Teachers’ Guide to Vaping 101

vaping 101

Vaping 101 and education professionals spend almost as much time with students as their parents or caregivers, so they have a unique perspective on the challenges kids face. They also see the impact of peer pressure and the pull of advertising aimed at youth. Because many teens are misled into thinking that vaping is safer than smoking and doesn’t cause addiction, teachers should be prepared to have meaningful conversations with their students about the harms associated with vaping products.

Vaping 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Getting Started with Vaping

One e-cigarette pod delivers as much addictive nicotine as 20 cigarettes. Nicotine can damage brain development, raise blood pressure and narrow arteries. It can also trigger bronchiolitis obliterans (popcorn lung), which causes permanent scarring in the lungs, especially when used with certain flavorings like diacetyl. Vaping can also cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Research suggests that people who smoke regularly are more likely to start using other tobacco products, including cigars, hookahs and smokeless tobacco. The health risks of those other products include cancer, heart disease and impotence. Smoking also puts kids at a greater risk of developing other addictions. Nicotine affects memory, concentration and self-control in developing brains and may lead to future problems with alcohol or other drugs.

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